Monday, November 5, 2007

How It Really Happened...

I'm learning so much about history from my kids, now that they're in school. We were driving in the van when this interchange took place:

Nathan: The first man to walk on the moon was . . . was . . . the first man to walk on the moon was, um, Eisenhower.

Me: Eisenhower?

Nathan: Yup. Eisenhower was the first man to walk on the moon.

Me: I think you mean Armstrong.

Nathan: Oh, yeah, Armstrong was the first person God created, so that's why he was the first man to walk on the moon.

Me: Well . . . actually, Neil Armstrong wasn't the first person God created. There were lots of people on earth, and some people got in a rocket and went to the moon. Neil Armstrong was in the first space craft to land on the moon, and when he got out he became the first person to walk on the moon.

Nathan: Yes, and he was zery, zery strong.

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