Sunday, November 18, 2007

Toddler-English English-Toddler Dictionary

babas: n. a plastic container equipped with a nipple for feeding babies: do mine babas?

boo: adj. color between green and violet: da die is boo.

dandle: n. a cylinder or block of wax with a wick that is lit to produce light as it burns: me bwow out youse dandle.

dean: adj. free from dirt, marks, or stains. v. make something or someone free from dirt or mess by washing or wiping: mine boo babas dean?

die: n. the region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth: me see moon up in die.

debt (det): v. acquire,  come to have or hold something: Mama debt dandle?

do (doe): v. move from one place to another. Often used as an abbreviated form of the question, "Where is": do mine hapa?

hapa: n. a round fruit of a tree of the rose family, usually with red, yellow or green skin and crisp flesh. May be used for dessert, cooking fruit, or making cider: me want hapa.

nap: n. an opaque white drink rich in fat and protein produced by cows and other female mammals: dadda debt mo nap?

peas: adv. used in polite requests or questions: peas debt me mine nigh-night; used to add urgency and emotion to a request: mine nigh-night peas! mine nigh-night peas!

tease: n. a dairy food made from the pressed curds of milk: me want mo tease peas. 

verbal: n. a car with a folding or detachable roof: me see verbal!

who: n. a vehicle carrying firefighters and equipment for fighting fires. Makes the sound "whoooo!": mama set up mine who, peas?

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